BirdWatch Ireland Cork Branch

The web site will hopefully provide the visitor, from both near and far, with information on the birds of county Cork. It gives information on all things relating to birds and bird watching/birding in the county. The Branch Events page provides information on upcoming branch activities such as outings, indoor meeting and survey work. While every effort has been made to provide accurate information we always welcome any suggestions relating to corrections, amendments or improvements to the web site.

BirdWatch Ireland is the largest independent conservation organisation in Ireland. Established in 1968, it currently has over 14,000 members and supporters and a local network of over 20 branches nationwide.
The primary objective of BirdWatch Ireland is the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Ireland through the efforts of our staff, members and volunteers alike. In order to fulfil this objective, it carries out extensive research and survey work, operates applied conservation projects and manages a network of reserves nationwide; it prepares and advocates policies; it recruits, retains and services a growing membership base; it promotes the importance of this work through field education, dedicated media (such as Wings magazine, the BirdWatch Ireland website, its annual journal Irish Birds and other publications) and to the national media. By joining our organisation you will be helping us protect our birds and Ireland’s biodiversity.

If you use any information from this web site please acknowledge it and give the web site address.


We would like to thank very much the following photographers who generously contributed photos to the website. Mark Carmody: Brent Goose, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, American Wigeon, Kingfisher, Skylark, Black-tailed Godwits in flight. Dave Dillon: Common Nightjar. Mike Grimes: Little Bustard, Golden Oriole, European Roller, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse and Stone Curlew. Richard T. Mills: Grey Catbird. Вых Пыхманн: Common Crane. Allan C. Morgan: Bobolink. Jim Wilson contributed all other photos on the website.