You have to be under 12 years of age to enter the competition. The rules are simple – match the picture puzzle piece with the corresponding bird on the poster. Send us an email to with your name, age, where you are from and a list of the picture puzzle piece numbers and the names of the birds that they match. For example: 1. – ‘Bird Name’, 2. – ‘Bird Name’ etc. etc. Please DO NOT send us photos of the finished puzzle, our email inbox cannot handle large volumes of emails with images attached, they will not be eligible.
The closing date and time for entries is Saturday 25th April at 7pm. The competition is open to anyone anywhere who is under 12 years of age. The first correct entry pulled from a hat will receive a prize of the identification guide – Ireland’s Garden Birds. The winner will be announced on the BirdWatch Ireland Cork Branch Facebook Page.
Click to download a high resolution copy of The Great Stay-at-Home Bird Puzzle Challenge here.