Wrens (Northern) Wren Dreoilín (Tuaisceartach) Troglodytes troglodytes Common resident breeding species. Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia. Summer Distribution Winter Distribution
Wrens (Northern) Wren Dreoilín (Tuaisceartach) Troglodytes troglodytes Common resident breeding species. Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia. Summer Distribution Winter Distribution
Woodpeckers Wryneck Cam-Mhuin Jynx torquilla Occasional, though almost annual passage migrant, with the majority of records in autumn. Over 200 county records involving at least 239 individuals up to the end of 2020. The first county records was one found dead on the Fastnet Rock on the 17th September 1898 (Ussher & Warren:107).…
Waxwings (Bohemian) Waxwing Síodeiteach (Boihéamach) Bombycilla garrulus Rare winter visitor, but large scale irruptions in some years occasionally result in more widespread records in Cork. Global Distribution: A widespread breeder in northern Fennoscandia and Russia, with Europe accounting for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia and North America.…
Warblers Cetti’s Warbler Ceolaire Cetti Cettia cetti Rare vagrant. One county record up to December 2020. 2001 Ballymacoda, 21st May. This is the first Irish Record. Global Distribution: A widespread breeder across much of southern Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia.(Birdlife…
Wagtails & Pipits (Western) Yellow Wagtail Glasóg Bhuí (Iartharach) Motacilla flava flavissima Scarce passage migrant. Mainly in Spring and Autumn, with most seen in September and October. Has bred in the past. Subspecies Blue-headed Wagtail Motacilla flava flava. Over 30 records. Subspecies Grey-headed Wagtail Motacilla flava thunbergi Very Rare. One record. Global Distribution:…
Vultures, Eagles, Kites, Harrier’s and Buzzards Honey Buzzard Clamhán Riabhach Pernis apivorus Rare passage migrant. Two county records up to the end of 2020. 2000 Cape Clear, a juvenile on the 25th and 26th September. 1972 Cape Clear, One on the 23rd August. Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to Europe, which constitutes >75%…
Vireos Philadelphia Vireo Glaséan Philadelphia Vireo philadelphicus Rare vagrant. One county and Irish record up to the end of 2020. 1985 Galley Head, 12th to 17th October. This was the first Irish and Western Palearctic Record. Global Distribution: Breeds in northern North America and winters in Central America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) Red-eyed…
Treecreepers (Eurasian) Treecreeper Snag (Eoráiseach) Certhia familiaris Uncommon resident breeding species, scarce in the west of the county. Global Distribution: Europe and Asia. Summer Distribution Winter Distribution
Tits (Eurasian) Blue Tit Meantán gorm (Eoráiseach) Cyanistes caeruleus Common and widespread resident breeding species. Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia. Summer Distribution Winter Distribution Great Tit Meantán Mór Parus major Common and widespread resident breeding species. Global Distribution: Europe, northern Africa and Asia. Summer Distribution Winter Distribution Coal Tit…
Thrushes & Wheatears White’s Thrush Smólach White Zoothera dauma Rare vagrant. One county record up to the end of 2020. 1842 Near Bandon, shot, 5th December, now at Trinity College, Dublin. (Thompson I:128) This is the first Irish Record. Global Distribution: It breeds in wet coniferous taiga, mainly in eastern Asia and Siberia. Northern races…