Pratincoles and Plovers

Pratincoles and Plovers   Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola 2020 The Gearagh, at least one 2nd year bird from the 18th to the 20th April is the first county record. Global Distribution: Patchy distribution across southern Europe and south west Asia, wintering in Africa, south of the Sahara desert.   Little Ringed Plover Feadógín Chladaigh Charadrius dubius …

Pigeons & Doves

Pigeons & Doves     Rock Dove/Feral Colm Aille Columba livia Common throughout as Feral Pigeon. Almost impossible in the county to confidentially identify any as true wild Rock Doves at this stage. Genuinely wild stock, if it still exists, is confined principally to headlands and islands of the south-west, with small populations at cliff…


Oystercatchers   (Eurasian) Oystercatcher Roilleach (Eoráiseach) Haematopus ostralegus Resident breeding species, mostly in the west of the county. Widespread all year, common winter visitor and passage migrant. Global Distribution: Europe, Asia and Iceland.   Summer Distribution   Winter Distribution


Owls   Barn Owl Scréachóg Reilige Tyto alba Uncommon & localised resident breeding species, was in decline but recent evidence suggests it is increasing again as a breeding species. Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North America and South America.   Summer Distribution   Winter Distribution Eurasian Scops Owl Ulchabhán Scopach Eoráiseach Otus scops Rare…


Orioles       Golden Oriole Oiréal Órga Oriolus oriolus oriolus Very scarce spring migrant, rare in autumn. At least 82 county records involving at least 110 individuals up to the end of 2020. Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton, Barnabrow (Cloyne), Between Midleton and Castlemartyr, Cahermore, Cape Clear Island (majority of…

North American Wood Warblers

North American Wood Warblers   Black-and-white Warbler Ceolaire Dubh is Bán Mniotilta varia Rare vagrant. One county record up to the end of 2020. 1978 Cape Clear Island, 18th October. This is the first Irish Record. Global Distribution: Breeds in eastern and northern North America and winters in Central America, northern South America and the…


Nightjars   Nightjar Tuirne Lín Caprimulgus europaeus Rare passage migrant. Once a breeding species in the county but no evidence of such in recent decades. Most recent record was of one at Inchy Bridge, Timoleague when a male was observed hawking for insects over typical breeding habitat on three nights between 1st to 8th June…

New World Blackbirds, Orioles, Bobolink

New World Blackbirds, Orioles, Bobolink     Bobolink Bobóilinc Dolichonyx oryzivorus Rare vagrant. Two county records up to the end of 2020. 2003 Cape Clear Island, 10th October, third Irish record. 1982 Cape Clear Island, trapped, 13th to 24th September. Global Distribution: Breeds across central North America, rarer in the west and winters in mid…


Divers/Loons   Red-throated Diver/Loon Lóma Phíbrua Gavia stellata Common passage migrant and winter visitor on the coast. Larger groups often seen in spring before migration. Rare breeding species in northern Ireland. Seen in larger number in the west of the county with over 100 regularly seen in bays and inlets. Global Distribution: Higher latitudes of…


Larks   Greater Short-toed Lark Fuiseog Ladharghearr Mór Calandrella brachydactyla Rare vagrant. 38 county records, all of single birds up to September 2022. Birds were seen at the following locations: Ballycotton, Cape Clear Island, Dursey Island, Lissagriffin, Mizen Head, Pilmore Strand. Almost all records from Cape Clear Island and Dursey Island. Seen in April, May,…