European Bee-eater Beachadóir Eorpach Merops apiaster
Rare vagrant.
16 county records involving 25 birds up to the end of 2020.
2020 Sherkin Island, two on the 9th May.
2019 Mizen Head, one on the 20th April.
2018 Dursey Island, two on the 29th April.
2014 Dursey Island, one on the 19th April.
2011 Dursey Island, one on 4th June.
2011 Eyeries (Beara), one on 3rd June.
2008 Dursey Island, one flew over on the 29th April.
1999 Dursey Sound, one from the 7th to the 13th May.
1998 Cape Clear Island, one from the 30th April to the 1st May.
1985 Cape Clear Island, one on the 30th September.
1979 Cape Clear Island one from the 2nd to the 3rd June.
1964 Crosshaven, one on the 26th April.
1959 Cape Clear Island, one from the 17th to 18th October.
1955 Rosscarbery, two from the 17th to the 18th April.
1937 River Bride at Brideweir, Aghern , One on 11th August. (Kennedy, Ruttledge & Scroope:297)
1888 Near Whitegate, Cork Harbour, seven of which three were shot, end of April or 1st May. (Ussher & Warren:111)
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to southern and eastern Europe,
which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and south-west Asia.