Greater Short-toed Lark Fuiseog Ladharghearr Mór Calandrella brachydactyla
Rare vagrant.
38 county records, all of single birds up to September 2022.
Birds were seen at the following locations: Ballycotton, Cape Clear Island, Dursey Island, Lissagriffin, Mizen Head,
Pilmore Strand. Almost all records from Cape Clear Island and Dursey Island.
Seen in April, May, June, August, September and October with most seen in May and October. Many stayed for between three and seven days.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to southern and south-eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Woodlark Fuiseog Choille Lullula arborea
Former local resident breeding species, now a rare vagrant.
Six county records after 1900 up to the end of 2020.
2016 Dursey Island, one on the 13th October.
2007 Dursey Island 20th and 21st October.
2007 Mizen Head 18th and 19th October
1991 One, Cobh, 12th December.
1966 One, Clear Island, 1st to 6th September.
1965 One, Clear Island, 2nd to 7th September
No date Castlefreke, 8 pair, 4 young, 2 other adults pair bred with 4 young (IBR 3:20 & Hutchinson:153)
19th Century Fermoy 1 bred (Ussher & Warren:101)
19th Century Rathcormack/Doneraile/Castle Hyde, Fermoy, one. Breeding sites in Cork before 1887 (Ussher & Warren:101)
19th Century Rathcormack two specimens obtained (Ussher & Warren:101)
19th Century No location, a pair bred (Smith per Thompson I:237 )
19th Century Trabolgan, five obtained (shot) (Ussher & Warren:101)
Global Distribution: A widespread breeder across much of Europe (except the far north), which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Breeds in small numbers in the UK. Also fond in Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Skylark Fuiseog Alauda arvensis
Uncommon and declining resident breeding species. Passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Shore Lark Fuiseog Adharcach Eremophila alpestris flava
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
2007 Cape Clear, an adult male (different to the one below) from the 20th to the 22nd April.
2007 Cape Clear, an adult male from the13th to the 22nd April. The first county record.
Global Distribution: A patchy breeding distribution in parts of south-eastern Europe, as well as Fennoscandia and arctic Russia, with Europe accounting for a tiny proportion of its global breeding range. Also north Africa, North and northern South America. (Birdlife International)