Rails, Crakes & Coots
Water Rail Ralóg uisce/Traonach uisce Rallus aquaticus
Widespread if uncommon resident breeding species, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Spotted Crake Gearr breac Pardirallus maculates
Rare passage migrant, most records in autumn.
17 county records up to the end of 2020.
2014 Clogheen Marsh, one calling on three nights between 4th and 6th May.
2004 Owenahincha , one found injured, 28th October, died on the 29th October.
2002 Inchydoney, a juvenile on the 24th August.
1990 Lough Beg, one from the 26th August to the 10th September.
1988 Kilcolman NNR, one from the 2nd to the 3rd June.
1983 Ballycotton, an adult from the 25th to the 31st August (trapped)
1982 Ballycotton, one on the 22nd September.
1975 Cape Clear Island, an adult from the 8th to the 9th October.
1967 Cape Clear Island, one on the 10th September.
1959 Cape Clear Island, one from the 9th to the 15th October.
1949 Fastnet, one killed at light on the 28th August.
1900 – 1954, additional one between 1900 and 1954 (Kennedy, Ruttledge & Scroope:130)
19th Century Clay Castle, Youghal, one shot, no date (Thompson II:320)
19th Century Spotted Crake 2 shot, 2 or 3 instances (Thompson II:320)
19th Century 4 more records up to 1900 (Ussher & Warren:238)
1895 Fastnet, one killed on the 20th August. Ussher & Warren:239
1843 Clay Castle, Youghal 1 shot after October (Thompson II:320)
Global Distribution: scattered thinly across much of Europe, which constitutes >50%
of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Baillon’s Crake Gearr Baillon Porzana pusilla
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1845 Clay Castle, near Youghal, obtained, 30th October. W. Thompson, Zoologist 1847. This is the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: a widespread but patchily distributed summer visitor to much of
southern and eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global
breeding range. Also Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. (Birdlife International)
Corncrake Traonach Crex crex
This formerly common breeding species continues to decline nationally, and is now just a rare passage migrant in Cork.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Summer Distribution 1968-72
Summer Distribution 2007-11
Moorhen Cearc Uisce Gallinula chloropus
Common resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Common) Coot Cearc Cheannann (Coitianta) Fulica atra
Uncommon resident breeding species and winter visitor, common if somewhat localised in winter, mostly in the east of the county.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
American Coot Cearc Cheannann Mheiriceánach Fulica americana
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1981 Ballycotton, 7th February to 4th April. This is the first county and Irish Record.
Global Distribution: Resident mainly in western, central and parts of southern North America, migratory further north with those wintering in southern North America and Central America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)