Sandpipers, Stints, Curlews, Snipes
(Red) Knot Cnota (Dearg) Calidris canutus
Autumn passage migrant and uncommon winter visitor. Very scarce in spring and summer.
Global Distribution: Asia, North America and Greenland. The Greenland breeding population winters mainly in coastal areas of western Europe,
which accounts for less than half of its global wintering range. (Birdlife International)
Winter Distribution
Sanderling Luathrán / Laidhrín Geal Calidris alba
Passage migrant and winter visitor, mainly in the east Cork area. Small numbers of non breeders remain through the summer.
Global Distribution: Svalbard, Asia, North America and Greenland.
Winter Distribution
Semipalmated Sandpiper Gobadáinín Mionbhosach Calidris pusilla
Occasional vagrant in autumn.
52 county records involving 57 birds up to the end of 2020.
First record was a juvenile, trapped on 16th Octobe1966 at Ballycotton.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton (most records), Barleycove, Clonakilty, Cockle Beach (near Crookhaven), Garretstown, Inchydoney, Kinsale, Lissagriffin, Muckross Estuary, Ring Strand, Pilmore Strand, Rosscarbery.
Where age was given about 60% juveniles. Highest one day count was three at Ballycotton September/October 1980.
Apart from two records in May all were seen between July and October with most records in September. Most stayed a day or two but some lingered for over a week and even up to a month.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the far north of North America and winters on the coast of northern South America and in the Caribbean.
Western Sandpiper Gobadáinín Iartharach Calidris mauri
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1999 Ballydehob, juvenile, 1st to 8th September. Third Irish and first county record.
Global Distribution: Breeds on the west coast of Alaska and winters in southern North America and on the coast of northern South America.
Red-necked Stint Gobadáinín Píbrua Calidris ruficollis
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
2002 Ballycotton, adult, 31st July to 1st August.
1998 Ballycotton, adult in summer plumage, 2nd to 5th July. This was the first Irish record of this species.
Global Distribution: Breeds in Siberia, from Taymyr peninsula east to Chukotskiy peninsula, also occasionally in western Alaska. Winters in Southeast Asia and Australia.
Little Stint Gobadáinín beag Calidris minuta
Scarce passage migrant in variable numbers from year to year. Mostly in autumn, scarcer in spring.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the arctic north of Norway and Russia, with Europe accounting for less than half of its global breeding range. (Birdlife International)
Temminck’s Stint Gobadáinín Temminck Calidris temminckii
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2016 Gearagh, 25th May.
1987 Ballycotton, an adult on the 3rd August.
1981 Ballycotton, an immature from the 15th to the 19th September.
Global Distribution: Breeds mainly in Fennoscandia and arctic Russia, with Europe accounting for less than half of its global breeding range. (Birdlife International)
Long-toed Stint Gobadáinín Ladharfhada Calidris subminuta
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1996 Ballycotton, 15th to16th June. This was the first Irish record of this species.
Global Distribution: Breeds across northern Asia and is strongly migratory, wintering in south and south east Asia and Australasia.
Least Sandpiper Gobadáinín bídeach Calidris minutilla
Rare vagrant.
Six county records up to the end of 2020.
2020 Kilbrittain, a juvenile, trapped and ringed, 7th October.
1993 Kinsale Marsh, adult, 29th to 30th August. 5th county and 8th Irish record.
1988 Ballycotton, adult, 7th to 12th August.
1984 Ballycotton, adult, 9th to 15th August.
1967 Inchydoney, 9th to 11th September.
1966 Clonakilty, 13th September.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northern North America and winters in southern North America, northern South America and the Caribbean. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
White-rumped Sandpiper Gobadán bánphrompach Calidris fuscicollis
Occasional vagrant in autumn.
63 county records involving 68 birds up to the end of 2014 with at least another 15 up to the end of 2020.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton (most records), Ballymacoda, Baltimore, Cape Clear Island, Clonakilty, Dursey Island, Foxhole (Youghal), Garretstown, Harbour View, Harper’s Island, Inchydoney, Kinsale Marsh, Lissagriffin, Lough Beg, Pilmore Strand, Rosscarbery, Shanagarry, The Gearagh, Timoleague, Tivoli, Youghal.
Most records were of single birds and highest one-day count was three at Lissagriffin in October 2000. Where age was give adults and immatures occurred in equal measure. Many birds stayed for more than a day with some staying for weeks and even over a month.
All records between July and January with most seen in September and October.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme north of North America and winters along the eastern coast of southern South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Baird’s Sandpiper Gobadán Baird Calidris bairdii
Occasional vagrant in autumn.
36 records involving 37 birds up to the end of 2020, with 20 seen at Ballycotton and others at Ballymacoda, Lissagriffin, Pilmore Strand, Sherkin Island, Roscarberry and Inchydoney.
First recorded in Ballycotton in 1966.
All were recorded August, September and October except for one bird recorded from 31st may to the 2nd June 1996. Of all those aged half were adults and half juveniles.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme north of North America and winters in southern South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Pectoral Sandpiper Gobadán Uchtach Calidris melanotos
Very scarce vagrant. The majority of records in September.
About 240 sightings in the county up to the end of 2020 since first recorded in Ballycotton on the 2nd October 1963.
There were 59 records involving 98 birds up to the end of 1986 when the species was removed from the IRBC rarities list.
Most records were of single birds with occasional small groups and one of 14 (IBR 19:39).
Apart from single records in April, May, June and two in July all records were from August to November with most records in September.
Analysis of these records shows the following:
Birds were seen at the following locations: Ballycotton(majority of the records), Ballymacoda, Cape Clear Island, Clonakilty, Courtmacsharry, Dursey Island, Garretstown, Inchydoney, Kilbrittain, Killacloyne, Kinsale, Lissagriffin, Lough Beg, Rosscarbery, The Gearagh.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme north of North America and winters in northern and central South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Gobadán Earr-Rinneach Calidris acuminata
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2007 Ballycotton, juvenile, 4th to 5th October.
2003 Ballycotton, adult, 27th to 31st July. 3rd Irish and 1st county record.
1971 Ballycotton, adult 1st July.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northeast Siberia and winters in southeast Asia and Australia.
Curlew Sandpiper Gobadán Crotaigh Calidris ferruginea
Uncommon passage migrant in variable numbers. Mostly in autumn, very scarce in spring. Occasional winter records.
Distribution: Breeds in a narrow latitudinal range in the central Siberian Arctic, and winters mainly in western and sub-Saharan Africa. (Birdlife International)
Stilt Sandpiper Gobadán Scodalach Calidris himantopus
Rare vagrant.
Five records up to the end of 2020.
2003 Lough Beg, Cork Harbour, adult, 6th to 11th August.
1991 Rosscarbery, juvenile, 19th to 20th September, same, Inchydoney, 20th to 21st September.
1988 Kinsale Marsh, adult, 14th to 18th August.
1988 Ballycotton, adult, 6th to 7th August.
1979 Ballycotton, adult, 14th to 17th July.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme north of North America and winters in northern and central South America, Central America and the Caribbean. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Purple Sandpiper Gobadán Cosbhuí Calidris maritima
Very scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Breeds in Greenland, Scandinavia and arctic Russia, with >75% of the global breeding range confined to Europe. (Birdlife International)
Dunlin Breacóg Calidris alpina
Common passage migrant and winter visitor, with small numbers remaining throughout the summer.
Most of our wintering birds are of the subspecies alpina, breeding in northern Europe.
We are get birds form the Greenland/Iceland population, subspecies schinzii passing through on spring and autumn migration.
Global Distribution: Europe, Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Broad-billed Sandpiper Gobadán Gobleathan Calidris falcinellus
Rare vagrant.
Five county records up to the end of 2020.
2005 Ballycotton, 2nd and 3rd May.
1996 Ballycotton, adult, 2nd May.
1989 Ballycotton, adult, 18th to 20th June.
1979 Ballycotton, 10th to 14th July.
1978 Cork/Limerick border – Charleville Lagoons, 2nd June.
Global Distribution: is a widespread summer visitor to Fennoscandia and northern Russia, with Europe accounting for less than half of its global breeding range. (Birdlife International)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Gobadán Broinn-Donnbhuí Tryngites subruficollis
Occasional vagrant in autumn.
At least 50 records involving over 80 birds up to the end of 2020. The majority of records were in September.
Usually seen singly but up to eight have been seen together (Ballycotton). Where age was give almost all were juveniles.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton (nearly half of all records), Ballymacoda, Cape Clear Island, Dursey Island, Kilcolman NNR, Kinsale, Lissagriffin, Pilmore Strand, Red Barn Strand.
Almost all were seen in September with smaller numbers in August and October and single records in April, June and July.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme north of North America and winters in eastern central South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Ruff Rufachán Calidris pugnax
Uncommon passage migrant, mostly in autumn. Scarce in winter and summer.
Global Distribution: a widespread breeder in much of northern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Jack Snipe Naoscach Bhídeach Lymnocryptes minimus
Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Breeds in Fennoscandia and north-eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a half of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)Europe and Asia.
Winter Distribution
(Common Snipe) Naoscach (Coitianta) Gallinago gallinago
Widespread, if uncommon resident breeding species, declining in recent decades, also a common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Great Snipe Naoscach Mhór Gallinago media
Rare vagrant.
Two accepted county records up to the end of 2020.
1983 Dursey Island, 22nd October.
1879 Near Clonakilty, shot, 17th November. Ussher & Warren, 1900.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to Fennoscandia and north-east Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Dowitcher sp. Guilbnín sp. Limnodromus sp.
Rare vagrant.
19 records up to the end of 2020, since the first in 1967.
Long-billed Dowitcher Guilbnín Gobfhada Limnodromus scolopaceus
Rare vagrant.
Between 25 and 30 records up to the end of 2020.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton (about 50% of all records), Ballymacoda, Cape Clear Island, Garretstown, Harper’s Island, Inchydoney & Clonakility Estuary, Kinsale Marsh, Lissagriffin. Lough Beg (Cork Harbour), Rosscarbery, Saleen (Cork Harbour), The Gearagh, Timoleague.
All records were of single birds apart from two long staying birds at Ballycotton from October 1980 until April 1981 and again from July 1981 into 1982 (one remaining until mid November 1983). A few single birds overwintered in other years. Recorded in all months of the year but when the long staying birds are excluded most birds were seen from September to November.
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme northwest of North America and winters in southern North America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Eurasian Woodcock Creabhar Eoráiseach Scolopax rusticola
Thinly distributed resident breeding species. Uncommon passage migrant and common winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, some Macaronesia Islands and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Black-tailed Godwit Guilbneach earrdhubh Limosa limosa
Common passage migrant and winter visitor. Small numbers of non breeders remain throughout the summer.
Global Distribution: A very occasional and rare breeder in Ireland the species has a wide breeding range across Europe and Asia. Those seen in Ireland are all of the islandica race which breeds predominantly in Iceland, with much smaller numbers in the Faeroe Islands, Shetland (United Kingdom) and the Lofoten Islands (Norway).
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Bar-tailed Godwit Guilbneach stríocearrach Limosa lapponica
Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. Very scarce in summer.
Global Distribution: A predominantly Siberian breeding distribution, which extends into Europe in northern Fennoscandia and parts of adjacent Russia. (Birdlife International)
Winter Distribution
(Common) Whimbrel Crotach Eanaigh (Coitianta) Numenius phaeopus
Common passage migrant in spring, uncommon in autumn, and very scarce in winter.
Global Distribution: Widespread summer visitor to northern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range.
Most of the birds seen in Ireland are from the Icelandic breeding population that winters mainly in west Africa. Also found in Asia.(Birdlife International)
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Hudsonian Whimbrel Crotach eanaigh Mheiriceánach (Numenius hudsonicus)
Rare vagrant.
One record up to the end of 2020.
Mizen Head, one between 20th and 25th September 2011. This was the first county and third Irish record.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northern North America, winters in the Caribbean, Central and South America and Australasia.
(Common) Curlew Crotach (Coitianta) Numenius arquata
Common, but declining, passage migrant and winter visitor, scarcer in summer. Probably extinct as a breeding species in the county.
The majority of winter birds are come here from other european countries.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Summer Distribution 1969-72
Summer Distribution 2008-11
Winter Distribution 2007-11
Upland Sandpiper Gobadán Sléibhe Bartramia longicauda
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
1991 Dursey Island, juvenile, 18th to 24th September.
1894 Newcestown, Bandon, shot, 4th September, now at National Museum, Dublin. W. B. Barrington, Irish Naturalist 4: 166
Global Distribution: Breeds in the extreme northwest and eastern central North America and winters in central South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Common Sandpiper Gobadán Coitianta Actitis hypoleucos
Common passage migrant in both spring and autumn, scarce in winter. Small numbers breed, most inland and in the west of the county.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Spotted Sandpiper Gobadán Breac Actitis macularia
Rare vagrant.
17 county records up to the end of 2020.
2017 Cape Clear, one trapped and ringed, present from the 5th to the 13th October.
2016 Cape Clear, a juvenile on the 31st August.
2015/16 Pilmore Strand, two from 15th November 2015 and 23rd February 2016.
2011 Victoria Quay, Cork City, juvenile, 27th November.
2011 Knockadoon Pier, juvenile, 6th October.
2007 Cork/Waterford Tourig River, Youghal, 14th to 22nd November.
2007 Ballycotton, juvenile, 3rd October.
2007 Ballycotton, juvenile, 2nd to 5th September.
2005 Lissagriffin, juvenile, 12th and 13th October.
1997 Tramore River, near Cork City Dump, juvenile, 26th September to 2nd October.
1990 Mid Calf Island, Roaringwater Bay, adult, 11th July.
1989 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 28th September to 13th October.
1987 Cape Clear Island, juvenile, 4th to 8th October.
1983 Cape Clear Island, 1st to 15th October.
1982 Clonakilty, juvenile, 7th October to 1983.
1979 Ballymacoda, juvenile, 6th to 7th October.
1978 Union Hall, Leap, juvenile, 28th September.
Global Distribution: Breeds in north and central North America and winters in southern North America, the Caribbean, Central America and most of South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Green Sandpiper Gobadán Glas Tringa ochropus
Local and uncommon passage migrant and scarce winter visitor to both coastal and inland sites.
Global Distribution: a widespread breeder in northern and central Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia . (Birdlife International)
Solitary Sandpiper Gobadán Aonarach Tringa solitaria
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2008 Cape Clear Island, juvenile, 27th to 30th August.
1974 Cape Clear Island, 15th to 17th September.
1971 Lissagriffin, 5th to 7th September. This was the 1st Irish Record of this species.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northern North America and winters in the Caribbean, Central America and most of South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Spotted Redshank Cosdeargán breac Tringa erythropus
Scarce passage migrant, mostly in autumn. Scarce in winter and seen very occasionally in summer.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Winter Distribution
Greater Yellowlegs Ladhrán Buí Tringa melanoleuca
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
1978 Ballycotton, 29th April to 6th May.
1968 Ballycotton, 23rd to 24th August.
1940 Aghadown, near Skibbereen, shot, 21st January, now at National Museum, Dublin.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northern North America and winters in southern North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Common Greenshank Laidhrín Glas Tringa nebularia
Uncommon passage migrant. Somewhat scarce and local winter visitor in recent years. Very scarce in summer.
Global Distribution: A widespread breeder in northern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Once a sporadic and very rare breeding species in Ireland. Does not currently breed here. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Winter Distribution
Lesser Yellowlegs Mionladhrán Buí Tringa flavipes
Rare vagrant.
60 records involving 72 birds up to the end of 2020 since the first county record in 1967 at Shanagarry Marsh, 17th September.
Birds were seen at the following locations: Ballycotton, Cape Clear Island, Clonakilty, Douglas Estuary, Inchydoney, Kilkerran Lake, Kinsale Marsh, Lissagriffin, Lough Beg, Near Macroom, Ring (Clonakilty), Rosscarbery, Skibbereen, The Gearagh, Tivoli (Cork Harbour), White’s Marsh (Clonakilty), Youghal.
Recorded in all months except June and July with most records in September and October. Of those aged, most were juveniles. Most were seen singly though three were seen together at Inchydoney in August 1991. Many stayed for a week or more and birds overwintered on at least five occasions.
Global Distribution: Breeds in north-western North America and winters in southern North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Marsh Sandpiper Gobadán Corraigh Tringa stagnatilis
Very Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1999 Near Ballintubbrid, Cork Harbour, one on the 20 August .
Global Distribution: A summer visitor to central Russia and parts of eastern Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Wood Sandpiper Gobadán Coille Tringa glareola
Scarce passage migrant with the large majority of birds seen in autumn.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to northern Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
(Common) Redshank Cosdeargán (Coitianta) Tringa totanus
Common passage migrant and winter visitor, with small numbers widespread in summer.
Most of the birds we see here breed in Iceland.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Ruddy) Turnstone Piardálai Trá (Scothdhearg) Arenaria interpres
Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Some non breeders remain here during summer.
Global Distribution: One of the most widespread waders in the world.
Breeding is circumpolar at high latitudes and spends the non-breeding season in temperate and tropical coastal areas around the world.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Wilson’s Phalarope Falaróp Wilson Steganopus tricolor
Rare vagrant.
28 records up to the end of 2020, since the first county record in 1967 at Ballycotton from the 10th to 11th September.
Birds were seen at the following locations: Ballycotton (most records), Ballycotton Lake, Cape Clear Island, Clonakilty,
Douglas Estuary, Inchydoney, Kinsale, Lissagriffin, Lough Beg, Rosscarbery, Union Hall.
Most stayed for more than one day with some staying up to a week and one stayed a fortnight.
Apart from three records in October all were seen in August and September.
Global Distribution: Breeds in central North America and winters in southern South America.
Red-necked Phalarope Falaróp Gobchaol Phalaropus lobatus
Rare vagrant.
Six county records involving seven birds up to the end of 2020.
2017 Galley Head, an adult on 11th June.
1994 Rostellan, a male on the 6th June.
1992 Ballycotton, a juvenile from the 29th September to the 10th October.
1983 Ballycotton, a juvenile from the 7th to the 14th October.
1966 Ballymona, three from the 26th to the 28th June.
1960 Cape Clear Island, one from the 16th to the 17th September.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to northernmost Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range.
Also Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland. (Birdlife International)
Grey Phalarope Falaróp Gobmhór Phalaropus fulicarius
Uncommon passage migrant, most seen at sea in autumn. Rare in winter.
Global Distribution: a summer visitor to the European Arctic, which accounts for a tiny proportion of its global breeding range.
Also found in Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland. (Birdlife International)