Isabelline Shrike Scréachán Isabilín Lanius isabellinus
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2016 Toe Head, one from the 31st October to the 1st November.
2007 Three Castles, Mizen Head, adult, 19th to 21st October, L. i. isabellinus.
2006 Old Head of Kinsale, first-year, 17th to 20th October. First county and second Irish record.
Global Distribution: The species is found breeding in Mongolia (except the northwest), south and east Russia south into northern, central and western China, migration takes place to non-breeding grounds in Pakistan, northern India, the Middle East and northeast Africa. (Source: BirdLife International)
Red-backed Shrike Scréachán Droimrua Lanius collurio
Very scarce passage migrant, mostly in autumn, rare in spring.
Apart from eight records in May all birds were seen between August and November with most records in September and October
About 125 county records involving at least 125 individuals up to the end of 2020 since first recorded at Fastnet Rock on the 26th October 1910.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballycotton, Ballydonegan, Baltimore, Barleycove, Cape Clear Island, Crookhaven. Dursey Island, Fastnet, Firkeel, Galley Head, Garinish (West Beara),. Knockadoon Head, Lissagriffin, Long Strand, Mizen Head, Old Head of Kinsale, Three Castles Head.
The most records were of single birds and the highest count was four on Cape Clear between the 21st and 25th August 1976. Where age was give most were immature birds.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Brown Shrike Scréachán Droimrua Lanius cristatus
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
2020 Rathduff, Mallow, a 1st year bird on the 7th and 8th January is the first Cork and second Irish record.
Global Distribution: East Asia.
Lesser Grey Shrike Mionscréachán Liath Lanius minor
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020
2005 Cape Clear Island, first-year, 18th September.
1985 Ballycotton, juvenile, 6th September. This was the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: A widespread but patchily distributed summer visitor to much of southern and eastern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found to Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Great Grey Shrike Mórscréachán Liath Lanius excubitor excubitor
Rare vagrant.
There are four county records. Only one after the 19th century up to the end of 2020
1991 near Courtmacsharry, one on the 28th October.
19th Century (no date) Near Cork, one obtained/shot. (Thompson I:112)
19th Century (no date) Carrigaline, one obtained/shot. (Thompson I:112)
19th Century (no date) Near Carrigaline, one obtained/shot. (Thompson I:112)
Morris’s British Birds 1891 lists Cork at a county that had recorded this species.
Global Distribution: a widespread breeder across much of Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Woodchat Shrike Scréachán Coille Lanius senator
Rare migrant.
52 individuals have been recorded in the county up to the end of 2020
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballymacrown (near Baltimore), between Trallispeen and Tragumna (south of Skibbereen), Cape Clear Island, Castlemartyr, Courtmacsherry, Firkeel, Galley Head, Knockadoon Head, Knockadoon Head, Mizen Head,
Old Head of Kinsale, Rosscarbery, Sherkin Island, Three Castles Head.
Of those records where age was given most were adults.
All birds were seen between March and October with May being the best month.
Many stayed more than a day and a few over a week.
Global Distribution: The species is migratory with four recognised subspecies. The nominate L. s. senator breeds in lowland southern Europe from Portugal east to western Turkey and L. s. rultians breeds in North Africa (Morocco to Libya): both winter in Central Africa and the latter may be best merged with nominate. L. s. badius is restricted to islands in the western Mediterranean, wintering in West Africa, while L. s. niloticus breeds on Cyprus, and from eastern Turkey and Caucasia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, northern Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran, wintering in East Africa and rarely in SW Arabia (Yosef and ISWG 2020).
Balearic Woodchat Shrike Scréachán Coille Bhailéaracha Lanius senator badius – One record of this subspecies.
2002 Mizen Head, adult, 3rd to 5th June. 1st Irish record.
Global Distribution: Breeds on the Balearic islands, plus Corsica and Sardinia.