Swallows & Martins
Sand Martin Gabhlán Gainimh Riperia riperia
Common breeding summer visitor. Winters in the Sahel, south of the Sahara Desert in Africa.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, North and South America.
Summer Distribution
(Barn) Swallow Fáinleog (Scioból) Hirundo rustica
Common breeding summer visitor. Winters in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
House Martin Gabhlán Binne Delichon urbica
Common breeding summer visitor. Winters in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and west Asia.
Summer Distribution
Red-rumped Swallow Fáinleog Ruaphrompach Hirundo daurica
Rare vagrant.
32 county records up to the end of 2020.
2015 – 2020 Eight records.
2014 Owenahincha, one on the 10th April.
2012 Cape Clear Island, 5th/6th May.
2011 Mizen head, 20th September.
2011 Mizen head, 31st May.
2011 Kilkerran Lake, 14th May.
2011 Ballymacoda, 8th May.
2010 Old Head of Kinsale, 25th April.
2010 Cape Clear, adult on the 24th April.
2009 Cape Clear Island, an adult on the 31st May.
2008 Lough Aderra, one from the 6th to the 8th May.
2008 Ballycotton, one on the 6th May.
2007 Three Castles, Mizen Head, one from the 14th to the 15th October.
2007 Cape Clear Island, one on the 8th June.
2007 Lissagriffin, one on the 21st April.
2006 Old Head of Kinsale, one at on the 14th and 15th May.
2006 Cape Clear, one at on the 6th and 8th May.
2002 Frower Point, Kinsale on the 18th April.
1998 Baltimore, one at from the 19th to the 21st February.
1994 Ballycotton, one on the 4th September.
1994 Clear Island, one on the 3rd May.
1990 Firkeel, one on the 13th October.
1989 Lissagriffin,one on the 26th March.
1988 Firkeel, one on the 25th October.
1987 Old Head of Kinsale, one on the 26th April.
Global Distribution: It breeds in open hilly country of temperate southern Europe and Asia from Portugal and Spain to Japan, India and tropical Africa. The Indian and African birds are resident, but European and other Asian birds are migratory. European birds winter in Africa. (Source: BirdLife International)