Thrushes & Wheatears
White’s Thrush Smólach White Zoothera dauma
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1842 Near Bandon, shot, 5th December, now at Trinity College, Dublin. (Thompson I:128) This is the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: It breeds in wet coniferous taiga, mainly in eastern Asia and Siberia. Northern races are strongly migratory, with most birds moving to south-eastern Asia during the winter. It is a very rare vagrant to western Europe.
Siberian Thrush Smólach Sibéarach Zoothera sibirica
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1985 Cape Clear Island, immature female, 18th October. This is the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: Breeds in taiga in Siberia. It is strongly migratory, with most birds moving to south-eastern Asia during the winter. It is a very rare vagrant to western Europe.
Hermit Thrush Smólach Aonarán Catharus guttatus
Rare vagrant.
Three county and Irish records up to the end of 2020.
2020 Mizen Head, one on the 3rd November.
2006 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, 19th and 20th October. .
1998 Galley Head, first-year, 25th to 26th October, first Irish record.
Global Distribution: Breeds in northern and central/west North America and winters in southern North America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Swainson’s Thrush Smólach Swainson Catharus ustulatus
Rare vagrant.
Seven county and seven out of eight Irish records up to the end of 2020.
2020 Dursey Island, one on the 1st October.
2018 Cape Clear, a 1st year bird on the 17th October.
2017 Cape Clear, one on the 14th October.
2008 Dirk Bay, Galley Head, first-year, 11th October.
1999 Garinish, West Beara, 11th to 12th October.
1990 Cape Clear Island, 8th October.
1968 Cape Clear Island, 14th to 16th October.
Global Distribution: Breeds across northern North America and winters in Central America and in parts of western South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Grey-cheeked Thrush Smólach Glasleicneach Catharus minimus
Rare vagrant.
Nine county records up to the end of 2020.
2017 Red Strand, one on the 26th and 27th October.
2017 Rosscarbery Pier, one from 20th to 23rd October.
2017 Dirk Bay, Galley head, one from 19th to 22nd October.
2007 Cape Clear one on the 15th October.
2005 Cape Clear Island, 29th October to 6th November.
2005 Old Head of Kinsale, first-winter, 8th to 12th October.
1990 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 6th to 7th October.
1988 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 9th to 12th October.
1982 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, caught by hand after being hit by a Sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus 19th October.
Global Distribution: Breeds across northern North America and winters in northern South America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Veery Veery Catharus fuscescens
Rare Vagrant.
One record in county Cork up to the end of 2020.
2018 Cape Clear, a 1st year bird on the 17th and 18th October.
Global Distribution: North and South America.
Ring Ouzel Lon Creige Turdus torquatus
Scarce passage migrant. Breeding status uncertain, though has bred in small numbers in the past.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Middle East.
(Eurasian) Blackbird Lon Dubh (Eoráiseach) Turdus merula
Common resident breeding species, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia. Introduced in some other countries.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Fieldfare Sacán Turdus pilaris
Common winter visitor.
Global Distribution: A widespread breeder in central and northern Europe, but winters
across much of the continent, which constitutes >75% of its global wintering range. Also found in Asia and Iceland.
Winter Distribution
Song Thrush Smólach Ceoil Turdus philomelos
Common resident breeding species, passage migrant and winter visitor. Appears to be declining in some areas.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia. Introduced in some other countries.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Redwing Deargán Sneachta Turdus iliacus
Common winter visitor. Most, probably from Iceland.
Global Distribution: The species breeds from Iceland east through northern and eastern Europe and across much of Siberia, and winters in western and southern Europe, North Africa, around the Black and Caspian Sea basins and in adjacent south-west Asia (Collar and de Juana 2013). The nominate race iliacus breeds across northern and eastern Europe and winters in western and southern Europe, as well as around the Black and Caspian Seas. Race coburni breeds in Iceland and the Faeroe Islands (Denmark) and winters in western Europe. (Source: BirdLife International)
Winter Distribution
Mistle Thrush Liatráisc Turdus viscivorus
Uncommon though widespread resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and western Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
American Robin Spideog Imirce Turdus migratorius
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1977 Glengarriff, 16th January.
Global Distribution: Resident across central North America migratory further north and found only in winter in the extreme south of North America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Rufous Bush/Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Torspideog Ruadhonn Cercotrichas galactotes
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
1968 Cape Clear Island, 20th April.
1876 Old Head of Kinsale, shot, 10th September, now at Queen’s College Museum, Cork, C. g. galactotes. R. J. Ussher, Zoologist 1883: 30-31
Global Distribution: A widespread but patchily distributed summer visitor to southernmost Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa, Middle East and South-west Asia. (Birdlife International)
(European) Robin Spideog (Eorpach) Erithacus rubecula
Common resident breeding species and passage migrant.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and western Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Thrush Nightingale Filiméala Smólaigh Luscinia luscinia
Rare vagrant.
Four county records up to the end of 2020.
2013 Dursey Island, one on the 22nd October.
1999 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 15th October.
1990 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, 26th October.
1989 Cape Clear Island, 29th October to 1st November.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to north-eastern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in western Asia and all winter in southern Africa.(Birdlife International)
Common Nightingale Filiméala Coitianta Luscinia megarhynchos
Rare vagrant.
11 records involving 12 birds up to the end of 2020 .
2014 Cape Clear, one on the 11th October.
2013 Garinish, one on the 21st September.
2013 Mizen Head, one on the 4th September.
2000 Ballycotton, one from the 21st to the 23rd April.
1999 Cape Clear Island, one on the 5th September.
1998 Garinish, West Beara, one on the 28th August.
1995 Dursey Sound, one on the 9th May.
1981 Cape Clear Island, one on the 5th October.
1976 Cape Clear Island, two from the 1st to the 2nd October.
1970 Cape Clear Island, one from the 20th to the 24th August.
1968 Cape Clear Island, one from the 16th to the 20th April.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to southern and western Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Breeds in the UK. Also found in north Africa and western Asia. (Birdlife International)
Bluethroat Gormphíb Luscinia svecica
Rare vagrant.
23 county records up to the end of 2020. Recorded in April, May, and August to November.
2020 Gearagh, a female on the 21st October.
2020 Dursey Island, one on the 26th September.
2013 Mizen head, one on the 3rd October.
2009 Ballycotton, one first-winter from the 8th to the 23rd November.
2009 Three Castles Head, one on the 1st November.
2003 Dursey Island, a first-winter female on the 14th October.
2004 Dursey Island, one male from the 19th to the 2oth October.
1995 Kilcolman NNR, a male red-spotted, singing from the 6th to the 14th April.
1992 Cape Clear Island, one on the 23rd September.
1992 Cape Clear Island, one female on the 26th May.
1988 Cape Clear Island, an immature male on the 21st October.
1976 Cape Clear Island, one on the 30th September.
1976 Galley Head, one from the 27th to the 28th September.
1976 Cape Clear Island, one on the 27th September.
1973 Cape Clear Island, one adult from the 15th to the 19th October.
1972 Cape Clear Island, one adult from the 12th to the 13th October.
1970 Ballycotton, one on the 22nd September.
1970 Cape Clear Island, one on the 3rd October.
1967 Cape Clear Island, one on the 5th October.
1960 Cape Clear Island, one on the 23 October.
1960 Cape Clear Island, one on the 28th August.
1959 Cape Clear Island, one from the 17th to the 18th October.
1959 Cape Clear Island, one from the 17th to the 18th September.
Global Distribution: A widespread breeder across much of northern Europe, and occurs more patchily farther south, with Europe accounting for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia and Alaska. (Birdlife International)
Red-flanked Blue-tail T-Earrghorm rua-chliathánach Tarsiger cyanurus
Rare vagrant.
Five county (and Irish) records up to the end of 2020.
2016 Lissagriffin, one between the 22nd September and the 3rd October.
2015 Mizen Head, a 1st year bird on the 20th October 2015.
2012 Galley Head, 26th March.
2010 Cape Clear Island, 12th October.
2009 Dursey Island, 10th November. The bird had previously been ringed. This is the first Irish record.
Global Distribution: A predominantly Asian distribution, but its breeding range also extends into the boreal zone of European Russia and Finland. (Birdlife International)
Black Redstart Earrdheargán Dubh Phoenicurus ochruros
Common passage migrant in autumn, uncommon in spring. Overwinters regularly in small numbers. Rare in summer.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Middle East and southern Asia.
Winter Distribution
Common Redstart Earrdheargán Coitianta Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Scarce passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
A rare breeding species in Ireland but not known to breed in county Cork.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in northern Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Whinchat Caislín Aitinn Saxicola rubetra
Scarce passage migrant, mostly in autumn. Has bred in the past.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and west Asia.
(European) Stonechat Caislín Cloch (Eorpach) Saxicola torquata
Common resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Siberian Stonechat Caislín Cloch Sibéarach Saxicola maura
Rare vagrant.
Eight county records up to the end of 2020.
2016 Barry’s Head, one form the 11th to the 17th October.
2012 Firkeel, a 1st year bird on the 1st October.
2010 Galley Head, one on the 8th October.
1998 Cape Clear, one on the 24th September.
1993 Galley Head, one the 232rd October.
1992 Crookhaven, one on the 5th October.
1990 Galley Head, one on the 20th October.
1988 Old Head of Kinsale, one from the 27th October to the 1st November.
Global Distribution: Northern Europe and Asia.
Isabelline Wheatear Clochrán Gainimh Oenanthe isabellina
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1992 Mizen Head, 10th to 17th October.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to south-eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range.
Also found in Africa, Middle East and central and south-west Asia. (Birdlife International)
(Northern) Wheatear Clochrán (an Tuaiscirt) Oenanthe oenanthe
Breeding summer visitor, mainly in the west of the county and a common passage migrant.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Pied Wheatear Clochrán Alabhreac Oenanthe pleschanka
Rare vagrant.
Two county record up to the end of 2020.
2017 Ballymacoda, a 1st year female form the 11th to the 15th December.
1980 Knockadoon Head, first-winter male, 8th to 16th November, trapped 9th November.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of south-eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Black-eared Wheatear Clochrán Cluasdubh Oenanthe hispanica
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1992 Cape Clear Island, first-year male of the subspecies O. h. hispanica, 26th to 27th May, .
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to southern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in north Africa and west Asia.(Birdlife International)
Desert Wheatear Clochrán Fásaigh Oenanthe deserti
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
1995 Garryvoe, first-winter male, 26th to 27th November.
1990 Red Strand, Dirk Bay, adult male, 27th October to 2nd November.
Global Distribution: Breeds in Azerbaijan and Turkey, with Europe accounting for a tiny proportion of its global breeding range. (Birdlife International)