(Eurasian) Blue Tit Meantán gorm (Eoráiseach) Cyanistes caeruleus
Common and widespread resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Great Tit Meantán Mór Parus major
Common and widespread resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, northern Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Coal Tit Meantán Dubh Periparus ater hibernicus
Common resident breeding species.
Irish Coal Tits are of a distinct subspecies P. ater hibernicus
Birds not of the Irish race are rare vagrants.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Bearded Tit Meantán Croiméalach Panurus biarmicus
Very Rare. Has bred in the past.
There are five county records involving 15 birds up to the end of 2020.
1982 Ballycotton, an adult on the 27th January.
1981 Ballymacoda, a male on the 15 April.
1981 Ballycotton, a male from the 11th to the 28th January.
1980 Ballycotton, three males and two females from the 28th September with sightings of singles to end of 1980.
1979 Ballycotton, six from the 28th October to early November.
Global Distribution: A widespread but very patchily distributed resident across much of Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global range. Breeds in the UK. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife international)
Long-tailed Tit Meantán Earrfhada Aegithalus caudatus
Common and widespread resident breeding species.
NOTE: Recent studies show that this species is more closely related to the warblers but is discussed here because of its name.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution