Cetti’s Warbler Ceolaire Cetti Cettia cetti
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to December 2020.
2001 Ballymacoda, 21st May. This is the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: A widespread breeder across much of southern Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia.(Birdlife International)
Greenish Warbler Ceolaire Scothglas Phylloscopus trochiloides
Rare vagrant.
30 records up to the end of 2020.
2020 Mizen Head, one on the 13th September.
2014 Cape Clear, one on the 10th September.
2013 Baltimore, one on the 1st September.
2012 Cape Clear Island, one on 30th May.
2012 Three Castles head, one on 17th October.
2011 Cape Clear Island, 3rd to 11th September.
2010 Strawtown, Galley Head, 5th to 7th September.
2009 Barry’s Head, one on the 17th September.
2008 Cape Clear Island, one on the 15th September.
2007 Dunny Cove, one from the 17th to the 23rd October.
2007 Three Castles, Mizen Head, one from the 15th to the 20th October.
2007 Cape Clear Island, one on the 15th October.
2007 Toor Pier, Mizen Head, one on the 13th October.
2007 Cape Clear Island, a 1st-winter on the 11th and 12th October.
2006 Old Head of Kinsale, one on the 23rd September.
2006 Cape Clear Island, a first-winter from the 14th to the 19th September.
2005 Dursey Island, a first-winter from the 7th to the 8th September.
2005 Cape Clear Island, one from the 25th to the 26th September.
2005 Cape Clear Island, one from the 7th to the 26th September.
2000 Dursey Island, one on the 3rd September.
1999 Mizen Head, a first-winter on the 16th September.
1999 Cape Clear Island, a first-winter from the 30th August to the 5th September.
1997 Ballycotton , a first-winter from the 22nd to the 25th September.
1993 Cape Clear Island, an adult on the 19th October.
1985 Cape Clear Island, one from the 29th September to the 1st October.
1984 Cape Clear Island, one from the 06th to the 10th October.
1983 Cape Clear Island, one from the 9th to the 15th September.
1964 Cape Clear Island, one from the 25th to the 29th September.
1961 Cape Clear Island, one on the 29th August.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to the Caucasus and north-eastern Europe, which accounts
for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia. (Birdlife International)
Two-barred Warbler Ceolaire Báneiteach Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus
Rare vagrant.
One record up to the end of 2020.
2019 Dursey Island, on on the 26th October.
Global Distribution: East Asia.
Arctic Warbler Ceolaire Artach Phylloscopus borealis
Rare vagrant.
Eight county records up to the end of 2020.
2014 Mizen Head, one on the 21st September.
2011 Ballynacarriga, Garinish 6th/7th September.
2010 Garinish, one on the 6th and 7th September.
2009 Cape Clear island, 9th October to 18th October
1985 Toe Head, 20th to 25th October.
1981 Cape Clear Island, 5th October.
1977 Cape Clear Island, 20th to 22nd October.
1968 Cape Clear Island, 8th to 10th September.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to the boreal zone of Fennoscandia and Russia, with Europe accounting for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. Also found in Asia and east Alaska. (Birdlife International)
Pallas’s Warbler Ceolaire Pallas Phylloscopus proregulus
Rare vagrant.
24 county records involving 27 birds up to the end of 2020 since the first county and Irish record at Cape Clear on the 21st October 1985.
2016 Dursey Island, one from the 28th to 30th December,
2016 Dursey Island, one on the 13th October and a different bird on the 18th October.
2012 Knockadoon Head, one on the 27th October.
2011 Knockadoon Head, 20th/21st November.
2011 Power Head, 13th to 19th November.
2010 Cape Clear, 30th/31st October.
2009 Cape Clear Island, one on the 29th October.
2007 Sand’s Cove, Galley Head, one from the 1st to the 8th November.
2007 Ballycotton, one on the 23rd October.
2003 Knockadoon Head, two from the 6th to the 10th November.
2003 Galley Head, two from the 8th to the 9th November.
2003 Cape Clear Island, one on the 9th November.
2003 Cape Clear Island, one on the 12th October.
1999 Cape Clear Island, one from the 18th to the 19th October.
1997 Red Strand, Galley Head, one from the 25th to the 27th October.
1995 Inch Strand, one on the 13th November.
1995 Sherkin Island, one from the 7tgh to the 8th November.
1994 Dirk Bay, Galley Head, one from the 10th to the 12th November.
1994 Cape Clear Island, one on the 9th November.
1991 Cape Clear Island, one on the 28th October.
1991 Cape Clear Island, one from the 27th to the 29th October.
1988 Marathon Gas Platform (off Cork Harbour), one on the 9th November.
1985 Sherkin Island, one from the 23rd to the 27th October.
1985 Cape Clear Island, one on the 21st October.
Global Distribution: Breeds in southern Siberia (from Novosibirsk Oblast east to Magadan Oblast), northern Mongolia, and north-eastern China. It is strongly migratory and winters mainly in subtropical southern China and north-eastern Indochina, but also in small numbers in western Europe. (Birdlife International)
Yellow-browed Warbler Ceolaire Buímhalach Phylloscopus inornatus
Very scarce vagrant in autumn. First county record was one on Cape Clear on the 19th September 1959.
144 county records involving 295 birds up to the end of 1993 when the species was removed from the IRBC rarities list.
At least 475 birds recorded in the county up to 2006.
Analysis of these records show the following:
Birds were seen at the following localities: Allihies, Ballycotton. Baltimore, Barley Cove, Cahermore, Cape Clear Island (majority of the records), Castletownberehaven, Crookhaven, Dursey Island, Firkeel, Galley Head, Garinish (West Beara), Knockadoon Head, Mizen Head, Old Head of Kinsale, Schull, Sherkin Island, Toe Head.
Most records were of single birds or very small groups. A small number of records involving more than 10 birds with at least 50 on Cape Clear between the 12th and 28th October 1985.
Apart from one record in March all were seen between September and November with the vast majority in October.
Global Distribution: A predominantly Asian breeding distribution, which just extends into Europe in northern Russia. (Birdlife International)
Hume’s Warbler Ceolaire Hume Phylloscopus humei
Rare vagrant.
Three county record up to the end of 2020.
2019 Cape Clear, one form the 4th to the 7th November.
2016 Cape Clear, one on the 23rd October.
2003 Knockadoon Head, 18th December to 6th January 2004. This was the first Irish record of this species.
Global Distribution: Occurs in Asia, from Iraq and Iran eastwards through India to China and Vietnam, and as far north as Russia. It may occasionally be sighted in Egypt and in Europe, as far west as Ireland. (Birdlife International)
Radde’s Warbler Ceolaire Radde Phylloscopus schwarzi
Rare vagrant.
11 county records involving 12 birds up to the end of 2020, all in the last two weeks of October.
2017 Cape Clear Island, one, trapped and ringed on the 1st November.
2016 Barry’s Head, two from the 15th to the 18th October.
2016 Cape Clear, one from 29th October to 1st November.
2007 Old Head of Kinsale, one on the 14th October.
2005 Cape Clear Island, one on the 28th October.
2005 Galley Head, one on the 19th October.
2005 Ballymacrown, near Baltimore, one on the 16th October.
2001 Crookhaven, one on the 21st October.
1989 Cape Clear Island, one from the 18th to the 20th October.
1988 Old Head of Kinsale, one from the 24th to the 26th October.
1988 Cape Clear Island, one from the 23rd to the 26th October.
Global Distribution: Breeds across northern Asia and usually migrates to Burma and Indochina for the winter. (Bird Guides)
Dusky Warbler Ceolaire Breacdhorcha Phylloscopus fuscatus
Rare vagrant.
Nine county records up to the end of 2020. All Irish records to date are from county Cork.
2016 Dursey Island, one on the 29th October/
2015 Knockadoon, one on the 28th to the 31st October.
2009 Power Head, one from the 22nd to the 25th October.
2007 Ballycotton, one from the 22nd to the 23rd October.
2007 Cape Clear Island, one on the 14th October.
1998 Cape Clear Island, one on the 26th September.
1995 Cape Clear Island, one form the 19th to the 30th October.
1987 Cape Clear, one from the 1st to the 15th November.
1987 Old Head of Kinsale, one form the 31st October to the 1st November.
Global Distribution: breeds in east Asia. This warbler is strongly migratory and winters in southeast Asia. It has a foothold in North America in Alaska.
Eastern or Western Bonelli’s Warbler Ceolaire Bonelli Thoir/Thiar Phylloscopus orientalis/bonelli
Rare vagrant.
Five county records up to the end of 2020.
2014 Cape Clear, one on the 10th September.
1991 Crookhaven, 1st September.
1990 Liss Ard, 12th September.
1984 Old Head of Kinsale, 22nd August.
1968 Cape Clear Island, 28th August.
2007 Toor Pier, Mizen Head, 13th October.
Global Distribution: See species account below for Western Bonelli’s Warbler. Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler summers in south eastern Europe and winters in east Africa.
Western Bonelli’s Warbler Ceolaire Bonelli Thiar Phylloscopus bonelli
Rare vagrant.
12 county records up to the end of 2020.
2016 Cape Clear, one from the 15th to the 18th October.
2016 Firkeel, one on the 18th October.
2016 Galley Head, one on the 15th and 16th September.
2015 Galley Head, one on the 8th September.
2013 Garinish, one from the 27th September to the 4th October.
2011 Toor Pier, Mizen Head, 11th to 14th September.
2005 Cape Clear, trapped and ringed, 4th to 17th September.
2004 Mizen Head, 28th to 31st October.
1981 Cape Clear Island, 30th August to 1st September.
1980 Cape Clear Island, 26th August.
1970 Cape Clear Island, 13th September to 11th October.
1961 Cape Clear Island, 2nd to 3rd September, trapped 3rd September. This is the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to southern/western Europe, which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Also found in west/central Africa. (Birdlife international)
Wood Warbler Ceolaire Coille Phylloscopus sibilatrix
Very scarce passage migrant. There is one breeding record (Glengarriff, Kennedy, Ruttledge & Scroope:367)
108 records involving 131 birds up to the end of 1997 when the species was removed from the IRBC rarities list.
Analysis of these records show the following:
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Allihies, Cape Clear Island (majority of records), Crookhaven, Firkeel, Galley Head, Glengarriff, Goleen, Knockadoon Head, Old Head of Kinsale, Rosscarbery, Sherkin Island, Toe Head. Almost all records were of single birds. Highest count was of nine on Cape Clear between 18th August and the 2nd September. Many stayed only a day but some stayed longer.
Birds were seen between April and October with most records in August and September.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and west Asia.
(Common) Chiffchaff Tiuf-Teaf (Coitianta) Phylloscopus collybita
Common summer breeding visitor and passage migrant. Scarce in winter, and the wintering population appears to be increasing steadily.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Middle-East and west Asia.
‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff Tiuf-Teaf ‘Sibéarach’ Phylloscopus collybita tristis
A rare vagrant subspecies of the Chiffchaff, with around 75 records, most in October.
A record 16 seen in 2020.
Global Distribution: breeds in Siberia east of the Pechora River and winters in the lower Himalayas.
‘Northern’ Chiffchaff Tiuf-Teaf ‘Thuaidh’ Phylloscopus collybita abietinus
A rare vagrant subspecies of the Chiffchaff. Four records, all between 1962 and 1975.
Global Distribution: Scandinavia and western Russia west of the Urals.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Willow Warbler Ceolaire Sailí Phylloscopus trochilus
Common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Blackcap Sylvia Caipín Dubh atricapilla
Uncommon breeding summer visitor, numbers increasing in recent decades, common passage migrant, with overwintering birds becoming more common.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution 1968-72
Summer Distribution 2008-11
Winter Distribution
Garden Warbler Ceolaire Garraí Sylvia borin
Scarce passage migrant. Has bred in the past.
A handful of records of birds holding territory or breeding from all parts of the county from the mid 1800s, most recently one holding territory at Ovens, near Cork City, in 2016.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of Europe, which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Barred Warbler Ceolaire Barrach Curruca nisoria
Rare vagrant. Almost annual.
Over 120 records up to the end of 2020 since first recorded in 1960, all involving single birds.
Apart from one bird in June, two in August, and a few in September and November, most were seen in October and most only stayed a day or two.
Where age was given, all were immature/juvenile. There were 11 records in 2010.
Birds have been recorded from the following locations: Ballynacarriga (West Beara), Ballycotton, Ballymacoda, Baltimore, Brow Head. Cape Clear Island, Crookhaven, Dursey Island, Firkeel, Galley Head, Knockadoon, Garinish, Mizen Head, Old Head of Kinsale, Power Head, Sand’s Cove (Galley Head), Sherkin Island, Three Castles Head, West Beara area.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to central and eastern Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also found in east Africa and western Asia. (Birdlife International)
Lesser Whitethroat Gilphíb Bheag Curruca curruca
Scarce passage migrant, mostly in autumn.
Recorded in most years. At least 260 birds recorded in the county up to 2006.
79 records involving 81 birds up until the species was removed from the IRBC rarities list at the end of 1988.
Analysis of these records show the following:
Birds were seen at the following locatities: Ballycotton, Cape Clear Island (most of the records), Firkeel, Galley Head. Old Head of Kinsale.
Almost all records were of single birds seen on one day only. Apart from six records in May all were seen between August and November with the majority in September and October.
One record of the Siberian subspecies Sylvia curruca blythi. One at Cape Clear on the 28th October.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Whitethroat Gilphíb Coitianta Curruca communis
Common breeding summer visitor.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Dartford Warbler Ceolaire Fraoigh Curruca undata
Rare vagrant.
Seven county records up to the end of 2020.
2003 Brow Head, one on the 31st March.
1999 Dursey Island, an adult male from the 16th to the 22nd May.
1987 Cape Clear Island, one one the 16th October.
1975 Cape Clear Island, one on the 25th and 26th October.
1972 Cape Clear Island, one on the 19th October.
1972 Cape Clear Island, one on the 15th August.
1968 Cape Clear Island, one on the 27th and 28th October.
Global Distribution: restricted to southern and western Europe and north-west Africa, where it is patchily distributed but locally common to very common in Spain (including Balearic Islands), Portugal, Andorra, Morocco. Algeria, Tunisia, France (including Corsica), United Kingdom and Italy (including Sardinia). (Birdlife International)
Western Subalpine Warbler Ceolaire Fo-Alpach Iartharach Curruca iberiae
Rare vagrant.
25 county records involving 26 birds up to the end of 2020.
2020 Mizen Head, one on the 4th October.
2019 Cape Clear, one on the 25th April.
2018 Cape Clear Island, Adult male from the 11th to 15th October.
2018 Mizen Head, Male, in song, 30th April.
2013 Inch Strand, one on the 7th/8th May.
2012 Old head of Kinsale, a juvenile on the 26th October.
2011 Crookhaven, 2nd to 5th October.
2010 Knockadoon Head, 2nd/3rd May.
2009 Mizen Head, a first-summer male from the 10th to the 11th April.
2009 Cape Clear Island, a female on the 15th April.
2009 Toe Head, one on the 11th April.
2008 Mizen Head, a male & female on the 9th May.
2008 Dursey Island, a female from the 7th to the 8th May.
2006 Old Head of Kinsale, a first-winter on the 15th October.
2006 Cape Clear Island, a female-type on the 13th October.
2006 Cape Clear Island, a 1 first-winter on the 10th October.
2002 Crookhaven, one from the 3rd to the 8th October.
2000 Dursey Island, a male on the 8th May.
2000 Cape Clear Island, an adult male on the 6th May.
1995 Dursey Island, a male from the 16th to the 17th May.
1992 Cape Clear Island, a male on the 20th April.
1990 Cape Clear Island, an adult male from the 2nd August to the 17th September (trapped).
1985 Old Head of Kinsale, a male from the 13th to the 17th October.
1979 Cape Clear Island ,a male from the 25th September to the 3rd October.
1962 Cape Clear Island, a first-winter from the 6th to the 7th October.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to south-western Europe, which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Also found in north-west Africa. (Birdlife International)
Sardinian Warbler Ceolaire Sairdíneach Curruca melanocephala
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2014 Dursey Island, one fomr the 20th April to 14th May.
1993 Knockadoon Head, male, 14th to 21st April.
1993 Cape Clear Island, male, 10th to 12th April.
Global Distribution: This species ranges throughout the Mediterranean region, occurring in Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Senegal, Western Sahara, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt. The race norrisae of the Fayyum area in central Egypt has not been seen since 1939, and is now extinct (del Hoyo et al. 2006).
Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler Ceolaire Casarnaí Pallas Helopsaltes certhiola
Rare vagrant.
One county record up to the end of 2020.
1990 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 8th October.
Global Distribution: Breeds in east Asia. It is migratory, wintering from India east to Indonesia.
(Common) Grasshopper Warbler Ceolaire Casarnaí (Coitianta) Locustella naevia
Scarce passage migrant and breeding summer visitor. Moderately common breeding species in the north Cork hills.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Savi’s Warbler Ceolaire Savi Locustella luscinioides
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
1988 Ballycotton, 3rd to 15th May.
1985 Near Youghal, 17th to 23rd June and a different individual on 19th June.
Global Distribution: a widespread but patchy breeding distribution in Europe, which constitutes >50% of its global breeding range. Also Africa and Asia. (Birdlife International)
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Ceolaire Bánlíoch Oirthearach Iduna pallida
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
2006 Cape Clear Island, 24th September to 1st October. Third county and Irish record.
1999 Cape Clear Island, first-winter, trapped, 18th September to 9th October.
1977 Dursey Island, trapped, 16th September, first Irish record.
Global Distribution: Breeds in North Africa, south-east Europe, parts of the Arabian Peninsula and central Asia; it winters south of the Sahara to East Africa. (Birdlife International)
Booted Warbler Ceolaire Crúbchlúmhach Iduna caligata
Rare vagrant.
Two county record up to the end of 2020.
2016 Firkeel, one on the 7th October.
2004 Ballycotton, first-winter, 2nd September. First county record and second Irish record.
Global Distribution: A summer visitor to central and eastern Russia from India, with Europe accounting for less than a quarter of its global breeding range. (Birdlife International)
Sykes’s Warbler Ceolaire Syke Iduna rama
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
2013 Garinish, one on the 2nd October.
1990 Cape Clear Island, one on the 17th October. First county and Irish Record.
Global Distribution: Breeding range is from northeast Arabia to Afghanistan. Many populations of the species migrate in winter to the Indian subcontinent as far south as Sri Lanka.
Icterine Warbler Ceolaire Ictireach Hippolais icterina
Scarce autumn passage migrant.
159 records involving 174 individuals in the county up to the end of 2020.
Birds have been seen in the following locations: Ballinacarraige (West Beara), Ballycotton, Cape Clear Island (vast majority of records), Crookhaven, Dursey Island, Firkeel, Galley Head, Garinish (West Beara), Gyleen, Knockadoon Head, Lehanemore (West Beara), Mizen Head, Old Head of Kinsale.
Almost all records are of single birds, the largest one day count was of three on Dursey Island on the 28th August 1968.
Apart from two records in May and one in June and November all were seen between August and October with most seen in September. Most were only seen on one day though some remained for up to a week.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of Europe, except for the far west and south, with the region constituting >75% of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and west Asia. (Birdlife International)
Melodious Warbler Ceolaire Binn Hippolais polyglotta
Very scarce though almost annual migrant.
130 records involving 136 birds in the county up to the end of 2020 since the first record on Cape Clear on the 3rd September 1959.
Apart from one records in May all birds were seen between August and October.
Birds were seen at the following locations: Cape Clear Island (most records), Crookhaven, Dursey Island, Firkeel, Galley Head, Inch Strand, Knockadoon Head, Mizen Head, Near Red Strand (Galley Head), Old Head of Kinsale, Sherkin Island, Three Castles Head.
All records were of single birds except for six where two were seen. Most stayed only a day but some lingered for over a week.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to south-western Europe, which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Winters in West Africa. (Birdlife International)
Aquatic Warbler Ceolaire Uisce Acrocephalus paludicola
Very Rare vagrant.
Eight records of single birds in the county up to the end of 2020, all except one at Cape Clear. The first Irish record was in county Cork.
1989 Cape Clear Island, one on the 26th September.
1981 Cape Clear Island, one on the 3rd September.
1976 Cape Clear Island, one on the 11 October.
1976 Cape Clear Island, one from the 29th to 30th September.
1973 Cape Clear Island, one from the 14th to the 15th October.
1963 Cape Clear Island, one from the 17th to 24th September.
1961 Cape Clear Island, one on the 31st August.
1903 Bull Rock, one ‘obtained’ (shot or found dead) 20th September 1903.
Global Distribution: Breeds across a highly fragmented range at less than 50 regular breeding sites in (numbers are of singing males between 1996-2007) Hungary (60-700), Poland (2,900-3,400), Belarus (4,800-6,300), Ukraine (1,400-4,000), Russia (50-500), Germany (4-25) and Lithuania (149-309)4. It winters in the Sahelian belt of sub-Saharan West Africa, mainly along the lower Senegal river (Djoudj National Park and surroundings, discovered in January 2007). (Birdlife International)
Sedge Warbler Ceolaire Cíbe Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
Common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and west Asia.
Summer Distribution
Paddyfield Warbler Ceolaire Gort Ríse Acrocephaus agricola
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
2000 Garinish, West Beara, 5th October. Fifth Irish and 2nd county record.
1991 Galley Head, first-winter, found dead, 13th October, now at National Museum, Dublin.
Global Distribution: a summer visitor to the eastern European countries adjoining the Black Sea, with Europe accounting for a tiny proportion of its global breeding range. Also found in south central Asia. (Birdlife International)
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Ceolaire Blyth Acrocephalus dumeforum
Eight county records, all of single birds, up to the end of 2020.
2018 Knockadoon Head, 7th and 8th of November.
2015 Cape Clear, 14th to the 16th October.
2015 Garinish, 5th and 6th October.
2012 Ballynacarriga, 8th October.
2011 Cape Clear, 3rd to the 5th October.
2010 Dursey Island, 26th and 27th October.
2007 Three Castles, Mizen Head, 10th to 15th October.
2006 Cape Clear, 20th October. This was the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to central Russia and adjoining areas of northern and central Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. It is migratory, wintering in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. It is one of the most common winter warblers in those countries. It is a rare vagrant to western Europe.
Marsh Warbler Ceolaire Corraigh Acrocephalus palustris
Rare vagrant.
Five county records up to the end of 2020.
2017 Crookhaven, one form the 7th to the 10th October.
2014 Old Head of Kinsale, one on the 9th June.
2009 Cape Clear Island, 25th and 26th September.
2004 Galley Head, one from the 30th September to the 3nd October.
1991 Ballyvergan, one trapped on the 5th August. First Irish record.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to central and eastern Europe, which constitutes >75% of its global breeding range. Also east Africa and west Asia. (Birdlife International)
(Common) Reed Warbler Ceolaire (Coitianta) Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Scarce breeding summer visitor, uncommon passage migrant.
Breeding confirmed at Ballyvergan Reed Bed and Ballycotton.
There were 30 county records involving 89 birds up to the end of 1986 when the species was removed from the IRBC rarities list.
All birds were seen between May and October.
Analysis of these records show the following:
Birds have been recorded at the following locations: Ballycotton, Cape Clear, Cobh, Youghal.
Breeding was proved at Ballyvergan Reed Bed and Ballycotton.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and western Asia.
Summer Distribution
Great Reed Warbler Mórcheolaire Giolcaí Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Rare vagrant.
Three county records up to the end of 2020.
1979 Cape Clear Island, 18th May.
1964 Cape Clear Island, 10th to 26th June.
1920 Cosheen, Castletownshend, found dead, 16th May, now at British Museum. J. E. Harting, Field 12th June 1920. This was the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: A widespread summer visitor to much of Europe, which accounts for less than half of its global breeding range. Also found in Africa and western Asia. (Birdlife International)
Fan-tailed Warbler / Zittiing Cisticola Ceolaire Earrfheanach Cisticola juncidis
Rare vagrant.
Two county records up to the end of 2020.
1985 Cape Clear Island, 18th April.
1962 Cape Clear Island, 23rd April. This was the first Irish Record.
Global Distribution: a widespread resident across much of southern Europe, which accounts for less than 5% of its global range. Also found in Africa, southern Asia and Australia. (Birdlife International)