(Red-billed) Chough Cág Cosdearg (Rua-ghobach) Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Locally common resident breeding species on the coast, with a bias in distribution towards the south west.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Eurasian) Magpie Snag Breac (Eoráiseach) Pica pica
Common resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Eurasian) Jay Scréachóg (Eoráiseach) Garrulus glandarius
Widespread though generally uncommon resident. Appears to be increasing in numbers and distribution in recent decades.
Global Distribution: Distributed widely across Europe and into Morocco and Algeria, its’ range continues east into the Urals and northern Middle East, through
Azerbaijan and Mongolia into China, Korea and Japan. (Source: BirdLife International).
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Eurasian) Jackdaw Cág (Eoráiseach) Corvus monedula spermologus
Common resident breeding species.
Eastern Jackdaw Corvus m. monedula/soemmerringii
Rare vagrant.
Five records of this distinctive subspecies, all between 2000 and 2005.
Probably under recorded.
Global Distribution: Europe, north Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Rook Rúcach Corvus frugilegus
Common resident breeding species in the county.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Carrion Crow Caróg Dhubh Corvus corone
Occasional passage migrant. Recorded in all month a with most in September and October.
Probably under recorded.
Global Distribution: Europe and Asia.
Hooded Crow Caróg Corvus cornix
Common and widespread resident breeding species.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
(Common) Raven Fiach Dubh (Coitianta) Corvus corax
Generally uncommon resident at both coastal and inland sites, most numerous in the south-west.
Appears to be increasing in numbers in recent decades.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
House Crow Caróg Tí Corvus splendens
One record of this IRBC Category D species up to the end of 2020.
Cobh, an adult, 5th September 2010 and on and off into 2012.
This bird most likely hitched a ride on a ship from the Netherlands, where they breed in small numbers.
Global Distribution: It is native to the Indian sub-continent and introduced in parts of eastern Africa and most likely came to Europe by accident as a stowaway on a ship.
It has since established itself as a breeding species in the Netherlands.