Spotted Flycatcher Cuilire Liath Muscicapa striata
Uncommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. Species seems to becoming rarer in recent decades.
Recent genetic studies have revealed that this species is more closely related to the Robin rather than the flycatcher family.
Global Distribution: Europe, Africa and Asia.
Summer Distribution 1968-72
Summer Distribution 2008-2011
Red-breasted Flycatcher Cuilire Broinnrua Ficedula parva
Occasional though almost annual vagrant, virtually all records in autumn.
At least 190 county records involving over 200 individuals up to the end of 2020.
Birds have been seen at the following locations: Ballinacarraige, Ballycotton, Ballymacrown (near Baltimore), Barley Cove,
Bull Rock, Cape Clear Island (majority of the records), Crookhaven, Dursey Island, Firkeel, Galley Head, Garinish, Knockadoon Head, Lissagriffin, Mizen Head, Old Head of Kinsale, Sherkin Island Three Castles, Toe Head.
Usually seen singly but up to three have been seen in a day. Where age was given almost all were 1st winter birds.
Apart from one in December and two in April and August all birds were seen in September and October. Most were only seen for a day.
Global Distribution: The red-breasted flycatcher breeds in north-western, central and eastern Europe eastwards to south-west Siberia, Turkey, the Caucasus and northern Iran. It winters mainly in Pakistan and north, west and central India, and irregularly in the southern Caspian region, Afghanistan, Sinai and the Arabian Peninsula. It is a regular autumn migrant in small numbers to western Europe and very occasionally north-east Africa. (Birdlife International)
Taiga (Red-throated) Flycatcher Cuilire Taiga Ficedula albicilla
Rare vagrant.
One record up to the end of 2020.
2018 Galley Head, one from 21st to the 25th October.
Global Distribution: Central and eastern Asia.
Pied Flycatcher Cuilire Alabhreac Ficedula hypoleuca
Scarce passage migrant, mostly in autumn, very scarce in spring.
Global Distribution: a widespread summer visitor to much of Europe (occurring
more patchily in the south and west), with the region constituting >75% of its global
breeding range. Does not currently breed in Ireland. Also found in Africa and west Asia.