Mute Swan Eala Bhalbh Cygnus olor
Common resident breeding species throughout the county. Mainly resident, but some grouping of non breeding birds in summer and immature birds wander in the winter.
Global Distribution: Europe and parts of south central Asia. Introduced into North America.
Summer Distribution
Winter Distribution
Bewick’s Swan Eala Bewick Cygnus columbianus bewickii
Winter visitor, mainly to the east of the county. Scarce and decreasing since 1998, when the east Cork flocks diminished.
Global Distribution: breeds mainly in Russia, but winters locally in western and south-eastern Europe, which accounts for less than a quarter of its global wintering range. (Birdlife International)
Subspecies Whistling Swan Eala Feadaíl Cygnus columbianus columbianus
Rare vagrant. Two county records up to the end of 2020.
One at Ballycotton on 24th February 1979. One seen at Ballycotton and Ballymacoda between 3rd February 1983 and 27th February1985.
Global Distribution: Breeds across the far north of North America, north-east Europe and Asia. It has a patchy winter distribution in west, east and south of North America. (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Whooper Swan Eala Ghlórach Cygnus cygnus
Winter visitor, with most seen between October and March. Widespread, but largest flocks mainly in east.
In January 2020 a total of 488 were counted in the county.
Global Distribution: Europe, Asia, North America and Iceland.
Winter Distribution